Friday, April 10, 2009

How does the american schooling system work?

what are the english year equivalent to american grades for e.g an english year 6 student is the equivalent to an american grade ? student...also, what is a freshman and all of this blahdeeblah?

and in american high schools (which look so much better than our english ones!) do they do any major exams such as GCSE's or A-levels, i know they must do but you never hear about it!

furthermore, how come they always have proms and we don't? as you can probably tell, i want to go to an american high school....


can u say how long you've been in school because i can't really say. if u've been in school for 6 years then its the equivalent to 7th grade because the U.S has kindergarten. A freshman is a 9th grader and is called that because they are new to high school. Sophomores are 10th graders, 11th graders are Juniors and Seniors are 12th graders. We have tests but they're state tests that we are required to take every year to show how much we have learned. In your last year or high school there is a test called the SAT which is a test to get into college and there are AP(advanced placement) tests which test your knowledge after being in an AP class for a year. We have proms just for fun but its mostly 11th and 12th graders that go to them.

"american schools look better"

...... yeah and you've probably only seen them on TV (where anything is made look better)

and yes of course America does major exams !

Also Great Britain DOES have proms I am in Scotland and my old school had proms

I assume you have a view of the american Schools being like you see on TV and all the students acting like people out of friends ? am I right ?

American schooling doesnt work, you only have to look at all the school kids being murdered by their friends.. They are not taught ethics or morals or any of these fundamental requirements for life. do yourself a favour and stay where you are...

there not all that !!!!!!!!!!!!!! the others said it all

Is Canada OK? I have no idea how things work in England, but here is the age - grade comparison.

4 - Junior Kindergarten

5 - Senior Kindergarten

6 - Grade 1

7 - Grade 2

8 - Grade 3

9 - Grade 4

10 - Grade 5

11 - Grade 6

12 - Grade 7

13 - Grade 8

14 - Grade 9 (Freshman year)

15 - Grade 10 (Sophmore year)

16 - Grade 11 (Junior year)

17 - Grade 12 (Senior year)

Grades 9 - 12 is High School, and JK - Grade 8 is Elementary School.

In elementary school, the school year (September - June) is divided into three terms.

Term 1: September - December

Term 2: January - March

Term 3: April - June

Regular testing is done throughout the term, and the average is put on a report card for each student at the end of the term. Grades 1 - 6 use letters to represent percentages, grades 7 & 8 use number percentiles.

A+ (90 - 100%)

A (85 - 89%)

A- (80 - 84%)

B+ (Late 70's)

B (Mid 70's)

B - (Early 70's)

C+ (Late 60's)

C (Mid 60's)

C- (Early 60's)

D+ (Late 50's)

D (Mid-50's)

D- (Early 50's)

R(emedial) (Below 50%)

70's or B's are average, and 80's - 90's or A's are above average. Anything below 50% is a fail.

In grades 3 & 6 you take the EQAO testing, which doesn't affect your grades at all.

In high school the school year is divided into two semesters. Semester 1: September - January Semester 2: February - June

At the end of each semester, you take an exam or do a project for each class (so 4 every semester).

Our high schools are based on a credit system. You need 30 credits to graduate, 18 compulserary (so it's maditory to take specific courses) and 12 optional (where you get to choose the course). You take 4 courses each semester, for a total of 32 courses by grade 12 (though in grade 12 you can take a free period, so you might only have 31). That means 32 exams, or in-class projects. They make up a big part of your final grade on your report card.

In grade 10 you take a Literacy Test in English, that's the only one I can think of that everyone has to participate in. We don't really have anything like GCSEs.

Prom is just a big dance in grade 12 where girls spend a ton of money on dresses and hair etc.

High schools in the US are a little different, but basically the same. Hope that made sense!

As far as I know a "year 6" would be a "6th grader" in America. That is if you start school around 5 years old in England.

Here's a pretty good breakdown of it all. Most Americans start school at 5. The first year in real school is called "Kindergarten" School usually opens in early september and closes in mid to late June. Of course, this isn't the same everywhere but in most places it is.

After Kindergarten you go on to 1st grade, then second, and so on and so forth. Grades K(kindergarten) through 6 are called elementary school. Sometimes it's K-5.

Grades 7-8 (sometimes 7-9) are called "Middle school" or "Junior High" This is the first time students go to different rooms for each subject. In Elementary they have one teacher all day.

******Okay here's the part that you want to know about. High school. It's almost always grades 9-12. American high schools (especially public ones) tend to be fairly large. Most are about 1500 kids. Some are 4500 kids.

Your first year in high school (9th grade) your called a "Freshman" or "Frosh". After that it's Sophmore (10th grade). Junior (11th grade). And finally Senior (12th grade).

The equivalent of "GSCE's" are "SAT's" That stands for "Scholastic Acheivement Test" These are taken in the last two years of high school. If you plan on going to college this is a must. SAT's are HUGE here. To alot of kids, their academic future rides on that test. Not sure what A-levels are but I'm guessing they're the equivalent of AP classes? AP stands for Advancent Placement.. They're basically advanced courses that you can take in high school (If you pass a test proving your capable of doing the work) to give you a Head start when you get to college.

Prom is simply a part of American culture. It's like Apple Pie. For most girls the only other time they get to get dressed up and ride around in a limo and do all the other stuff is their wedding. Plus, it's usually one of the last times you get to be with your classmate b4 you graduate so they like to go out with a "Bang!".

Now I have a question for you. How the heck does the British school system work?? (Yahoo ID: msninjanerd)

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