There are a lot of jobs tied into the american auto industry.
even if your job is not directly connect to the industry. if they go under it will send large shock waves across the economy (and giving how bad things already are we don't really need that right now)
they are also one of our biggest exports and bring a lot of money into the country.
Its a good question, but I think its based on the crap we get fed from these big companies every day. I'm personally curious as to why they need to be bailed out. Its a friggen car... It has to be one of the most market up products that we buy as consumers. They aren't laying people off because they aren't making money, they will be laying people off to keep the profit MARGIN from falling. Its not enough for big business to just actually make money anymore, they have to make a lot more money. I am certain that there are billions in these big corporations that are hidden and protected via Corporation funds and spending along with "investments". Maybe its a good time for big corporations and investors to realize that the american economy is not their guaranteed lottery ticket.
Golden is right. So many jobs in the industry, one reason why they want cash from the government (bailout.)
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