Saturday, April 11, 2009

How do you keep afican american hair from getting tangled?

I am white but i have 2 african american kids, ones a girl (Adopted) My little girl is 3 and her hair gets so tangled so fast, I have just started straightening it so it doesn't get tangles. Also, how do u do those little braids all over? Any help would be great!! Thanks!!!

put grease in it and brush it often

Use detangling spray after washing it and blow dry it.

There are no more tangles formulas sold at drug stores,beauty supply houses,and department stores.

Go to a beauty supply house in an African American area and ask questions.

You can also look up info online about black hair care products.

And as far as braids, you part the hair off in small squares or medium squares and then just braid.

You can even do diamond shaped parts and then just braid the hair.

well if her hair gets tangled use the

untangle spray stuff.

and if you want those braid things take her

to the salon because it take 6 HOURS!!!

no joke.

Johnson and johnson has a good detangler.The little braids I think you are talking about are plaits with rubber bands at the end with square parts.


I have no advice I just like to say to the people that adopt:


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