Saturday, April 11, 2009

What American city do you think has the prettiest Spring and?

Brrrrr. It's freeeeeeeezing in Nebraska! I need to start planning a Spring road trip so I can get my mind off of how cold it is here; something to look forward to. Can you help me

decide where to go?

1. What American city has the prettiest Spring?

2. What American city has the earliest Spring?

3. What American city has the longest Spring?

Thanks for your opinions.

Well, even though I'm a Chicagoan, I'd have to place a vote for Washington, DC. When those Cherry Blossoms bloom on the National Mall, it's a sight to behold!

I've been to Seattle when it was crappy brown winter everywhere else, and Seattle was blooming and beautiful. I rode the Amtrak across the country at Easter time one year, and it was cold and bleak on the plains and cold and snowy in the Rockies. Then the final leg of the journey, through the Cascades and into Seattle, was filled with lush greenery and colorful azaleas. Absolutely breathtaking. I recommend that trip to everyone.

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