Saturday, April 11, 2009

Will American women become the dominant sex by the end of the 21st century?

They are all ready better than American males at football (soccer).

How long before they are better at baseball and basketball and all those other annoying American sports?

They will never be better as baseball, basketball, or the real football (American football). No one in America cares about soccer.

There is no dominant gender. We are equal, just different. Females do not have the physical strength that males do, so I doubt if they will ever be better in baseball, football, hockey, mens basketball, male lacrosse, and blended gender track meets.The androgen's responsible for the development of the increase in muscle development is a male endocrine hormone. Women do have a little of it, but very little. Our hormones give us our breasts, our body shape and fat deposit, a wider butt, and subdue aggression. Females are nurturers, and seek to join others with the intent create benefits that will result in adequate health care, adequate food supplies, clean water, but if you think being a homemaker, child care taking, cooking, interior design, and usually expected to keep the books, pay the bills, do the gofer activity, and provide a nurturing environment for the family, is less. then you should analyze why you continue to want to be seen as superior to women.

If they are not the dominant gender, then according to the bylaws of feminism they should be as men merely stand in the way of the advancement of this agenda.

Incidentally, football (soccer) is highly regarded by many Americans as a sport that requires extraordinary dexterity, a quality that only women by virtue of underlying physiological principles seem to possess.

In the US - unlike the rest of the world - soccer has long been considered a women's game.

Women have the upper hand in the West in terms of sociopolitcal power, but they are not going to develop the physique to compete with very tall men or very muscular men any time in the next 100 000 years. Unless we go the genetic engineering route.

We already are if you consider the burden we must bear as compared to our male counterparts who in todays day in age have a tendency to go around knocking women up, then leaving them behind to raise the children for themselves, work for themselves, and keep up with all of the housework themselves. Modern day men are an atrocity.

Know this: Sexual dominance is not, and should never be, determined in the athletic arena.

I have a (male) friend who (optimistically) believes that women will overpower men politically, legally, and economically within the decade. I'm not entirely convinced myself, but the way things are going, it could happen.

"Will American women become the dominant sex by the end of the 21st century?"

In terms of education and professional careers, probably.

In terms of sports, I think all sports: American football or soccer football, baseball, cricket, basketball...are all an annoying waste of time.

I do enjoy playing and watching sports and I am really good at it. That's only because my brother taught me how to play those sports.

Besides do you want women to start looking like that guy from the terminator? Arnold swartzwhatever his name is hard.

I don't want to look like that but I am ok with a guy looking like that=]lol

Poopoo, American football is not real :P. Over there ya all have to wear so much padding and helmets that I wonder how scrawny the men would be if they took all of that off.

Aussie football/rugby, now there's some real men. Nice and beefy, raarrww.

American women? Do they have any capabilities or real skills or something? I have no idea, but I do have doubts.

No, they are just higher ranked among others of their own sex. The women's team would probably lose if they played a game against the men.

A greater than B

C less than D

Does not equal C less than A

i don't know but i always thought it would be cool to play in the nhl. i'm not holding my breath though. i realize i'm probably too small.


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