Sunday, April 12, 2009

Why is the American taxpayer burdeoned with paying for the babies of illegal Mexicans?

Why is the american taxpayer expected to be Santa Claus and the tooth fairy to illegal mexicans who enter illegally into our country. Once hear illegally they demand food stamps, housing, schooling, medical all financed by the American taxpayer. Can anyone tell me the rationale in this?

To the "LoneStar" dude, what you are saying is ignorant. If we were to round up everyone and send them where they "belong", all the white people would have to go back to England and the only ethnic groups that would remain would be Native Americans and Mexicans. If anything, Mexicans are more native to the U.S. than any white person because part of the U.S. was once Mexico.

Because Americans have a heart. I bet you rather pay your governement for concrete or war than to give a human life a chance. Besides don't they pay taxes already when they buy stuff? Find another job or start a business and become a millionaire so you don't have to worry about things like this.

I believe it is because illegals will work for a ridiculously low wage which will pass on to future generations,which will in turn force americans to work for less! its all about the(peso!) dollar!

Because we are suckers and our government has no gonads. ROUND THEM UP AND SEND THEM HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

damn good question..there is no rational explanation for this ..we can't take care of our own countries starving and sick children but we let everyone from everywhere come here and take advantage of our generosity and end up supporting a whole country whose people have no respect for us and our country....send em back..

It's the 'Anchor Baby' law.

Most countries who had this type of law have invalidated it. It's just one more artifact of living in a young country.

because a child can't be responsible for himself.

Because we want their cheap labor.

Our government is crooked and couldn't care less about the legal citizens of this country. Our schools are failing, the economy is failing and lets not even get into the security of our borders.

The only thing I can think of is that most of the decision makers (politicians) are dependent upon illegals to do their yard work, housekeeping, babysitting, cooking, etc and they give them a wage that is below the minimum. An example of this is the lawn care service Mitt Romney used was found to have employed illegal immigrants. If the illegals were sent back, these poor upper class people would actually have to (God forbid!) cut THEIR OWN lawns, clean THEIR OWN houses, cook THEIR OWN meals, and raise THEIR OWN children. Entitling illegals to these benefits allow the upper class to continue paying them less than minimum wage. They know that any American, especially one with a family would want more than minimum wage and they would want benefits.

Same reason we're paying for the babies of American welfare mothers?

Because the rich profit from it.

Alamo MORON American's aren't burdened by anything! Undocumented workers DO NOT demand anything! Most of them are too scared of being deported to even walk in a Welfare facility. Immigrants are less likely than natives to use public services. In 2006 only 7% of undocumented workers have received supplemantary security income and less than 5% use welfare, food stamps or un-employment compensation!

So... sorry to tell you this but you're sooo wrong. Why don't you go read up on your facts before you post an another ignorant question?!

Because the Bush administration wants it that way. The globalist Bush family has no respect for the borders or the sovereignty of this country.

This has been going on for at least 40 years or more.

What woke people up all of a sudden. We the People are responsible because we do not hold our Government responsible.

None at all.

Globalization - taking resources from first world countries to give to third world countries.

Because we pay taxes and we pay for everything.Anybody's kid that can't afford one.

The 14th Amendment was written to prevent this from happening. The wording has been interpreted to mean the OPPOSITE of what senators insisted it would mean as they wrote and ratified it.

I'm regularly stunned by these people who still believe the claims are so low. Have they not driven the cities overrun with illegals and counted the clinics catering almost exclusively to non-English speaking, welfare mommies?

One thing is for sure, if taxes ear-marked for illegals were voluntary, these bleeding heart types would be the last to volunteer.


Yeah. I'm with you, buddy. I'd much rather see my tax money going to subsidies for the oil companies, and useless, pointless wars so that the rich can stop paying taxes altogether and leave all their precious money and assets to their spoiled, lazy brats.

if you are born in the US you are a US citizen... buncha bs

It says in the Constitution that we have to care for the general welfare, so we are obligated by statue. I would be hard to turn away a pregnant women, but I do believe that we should make it mandatory that all who avail themselves of social serves had to provide a real name, real SSN, and a verifiable address, otherwise they are guilty of fraud. Being that they have no intention or means to pay, providing stolen or fraudulent documents do constitute fraud. Some say if you demand the illegals to provide documents or admit they have no documents that they will not receive the help they need, I say that's on them. Each and every time we allow illegals a pass for their lack of status, we are only telling them it;s okay to not only break our laws, but we will reward you will tax payers funded services. When I ever I apply or enter most public building from airports, court houses, and even my Dr. office, I have to provide documents, so should the illegals

Because they tell us we have to, and not enough people have stood up to say we won't do it anymore. Everybody shoves off what they don't like to do to the one who won't complain. They say jump and we ask how far and how high. Hasn't been till recently that people started to question it. We enabled them to get this far and now we are disturbing their agenda because it's not where we want to go. So as a retort....we are racist or any other name calling they want to put forth. They liked pushing us around without any rebuttle. It's not much different that the person who trys to make sanity of addiction and still function. These guys are drunk with power and control and don't want to give it up. It's oh so much easier to control others lives than it is your own.'s our money....not theirs. It's our sacrifices....not theirs. They don't want to say no so they make it look like we are the bad guys instead of admitting they screwed up or can't be the be all to end all. If you took these exact situations and the confusion and mixed would be the perfect example of someone addicted to something. Same game playing....same peace at any cost....same overlooking and trying to make sense of insanity. Can't be done. There is no rationale behind this....this is insanity.

I mean when you want to push someones buttons in order to manipulate ride those weak points or areas where they have failed or are less than perfect. You push them beyond reasonable points because you want your way....not because they are wrong. If this was in marraige would be considered emotional abuse.

There is no logical reason or rational that could justify forcing American taxpayers to fund the offspring of criminal aliens.

The Leftists who promote this type of policy do not rely on logic or rational but on their hope that they can silence all those who oppose them by calling them "racists" and allowing their allies in the media to repeat this dubious charge (so much for the first amendment rights of Americans).

Because the american tax payer is the one benefiting from the cheap labor that those parents give us.

would you do the same if you were in their situation? i would.

We truly aren't. We've just looked the other way because we are good natured and charitable. Of course, the old addage of give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day and teach him to fish, he'll eat for life applies here. The difference is that we taught the illegals how to get away with abusing our goodness and our laws and now we have to take back our country from the theives. No food stamps, no free education, no benefits whatsoever for children of illegal immigrants. They should not be citizens because they are products of an illegal act conceived for the purpose of furthering illegal acts and therefore, they are conceived in fraud and for fraudulent purposes. Rescind their citizenship or revoke it because it was illegal to begin with.

Well, the illegal immigrant claims on welfare are only about 2%. I want to know why I'm Santa Claus to millions of legal Americans who just work for no good reason. Illegal immigrant claims are so small, I don't even care.

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