An American Pit Bull Terrier (also referred to as a 'pit bull' or APBT) is a much smaller breed of dog ranging from 25-60# depending on which breeder the dog comes from.
The American Bulldog, which I believe is what you're referring to, is a larger breed, typically, than the APBT, but is just as agile and shares the same people adoring temperment. Some of them (Johnson's ABs) can pass for APBTs, but not always.
Apartments will accept them because they're typically (if a dog has human aggressive tendencies) be labeled as a pit bull-type dog - especially in issues such as breed specific legislation (BSL).
American Bulldog Profile:
American Pit Bull Terrier Profile:
Both dogs are registerable with the UKC and ARBA.
If you're terribly concerned and want to lie (which I honestly do not suggest doing since it can lead to eviction), I would suggest calling the dog a mix breed of some variety - likely boxer and Vizsla or something along those lines.
thats what i was going to say
One frusterating thing about Breed Specific Legislation is that they often use the phrase 'pit bull' to describe the dogs in question. However, there is actually no such breed as a 'pit bull'; this term refers to any kind of pit breed, from an American Staffordshire terrier to a bull terrier. In Ontario, it is particularily annoying because those in charge can technically claim ANY dog is a pit breed, just by looking at it, and it is up to the unfortunate owners to prove that their dog IS NOT a pit breed.
The American Pit Bull Terrier is not recognized by the AKC or the CKC. They were originally the 'fighting" strand, whilst their cousins the American Staffordshire Terriers (who are recognized by the AKC and the CKC) were developed to be the conformation show dogs. However, many people consider these two breed to be different strands or kinds of the same breed.
Unfortunately, by throwing 'pit bill' into the lease regulations, what your potential landlord is doing is creating a huge empty space into which he can catagorize any breed he thinks looks like a pit-type breed. There are literally dozens of pit looking breeds, so your landlord could technically reject almost anyway he wishes.
The American Bulldog, and the American Pit Bull Terrier are in the same general family, both bred for fighting and bull baiting. Neither are officially recognized by the American Kennel Club, but have their own breed groups. They are both less regulated, and therefore can have a wider range of acceptable breed types. They are both good family dogs if in the right environment and well socialized. The American Bulldog usually has more of a Boxer/smushed type face and are ideally taller and lankier than Pits. Pits usually have a longer squarer muzzle and a more compact body. Anyone who knows their bully breeds will know the difference, but as you probably know from owning a pit, anything that's muscular, and "bullish" looking, is called a pit.
Well I don't agree with deceiving your landlords, I also think that the dog should be judged individually, not by a stereotype. (Aka, the always true, Judge the deed, not the breed, mantra...) Realistically you run the risk of someone knowing, but if she's well behaved and doesn't bring alot of unwanted, or poor attention to her self, you should be fine. Unfortunately, if she does anything wrong, she is a pit and you could be not only out of a home, you could be facing legal issues depending on what you sign to in your lease.
Honk honk...
American Staffordshire Terrier Breed Standard AKA Pit bull
i am not sure what you mean by american bull no such breed
Actually, there is no such breed as a Pit Bull or an American Bull.
There is the American Staffordshire Terrier or AmStaff (commonly referred to as the Pit Bull).
There is the Bull Terrier (Spuds MacKenzie).
There is the Staffordshire Bull Terrier (smaller than the AmStaff).
Education is your best defense :-)
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