Sunday, April 12, 2009

Any ideas how to help an American Bulldog with severe allergies and very itchy skin?

Our American Bulldog is allergic to almost every type of grass and pollen. We are having her treated by a dermatologist but now summer is on the way, her scratching has started again. She scratches so much she makes herself bleed. She drags her belly and chest along the grass or carpets and makes herself very sore. We have tried a number of things but nothing seems to work. Has anyone experience of this and any tried and tested remedies. Please try and help us.....

By adding an ounce of Electro-Colloidal Silver to the dogs water bowl on a daily basis should help tremendously with the allergies, It can also be applied directly to the skin and fur to prevent infections and accellerate the healing of itchy abrasions and contusions. Let it air-dry. You should be able to find some Electro-Colloidal Silver in your local health food store or at a discount directly from some manufacturers on the internet. Run a search. It is also not hard to make it yourself and save considerably more. The use of Electro-Colloidal Silver in the care of pets is a really worthwhile subject to look into.

This is a product that is very good for her, and will really help:

If they won't ship to your area ( they are super nice people and I think they will) then write down the ingredients and take to your herbal shop to see if they can provide the same. .

I do not have a Bulldog, but I do have a Lab with severe grass and pollen allergies. I tried all of the skin products that I could find...anything that was safe for a dog, I most likely have used. None of them really worked at all. I finally bit the bullet and had my vet get allergy shots for her. It was a little expensive, around $400.00 up front and then the vials are $150.00 for about a 4 month supply. The vet had her tested, found out exactly what she was allergic to and had a lab create a shot specifically for her. I now give her a bath once a week with a special hypoallergenic shampoo and I give her a shot every 10 days. It has been 6 months since we started the shots and she is a changed dog. She has gotten all of her hair back, the scabs are gone and she is no longer scratching herself like crazy. Like I said, it is a little expensive but for me it was well worth it.

I have a Shih-tzu with the same problems. I went to my vet and told him I did not want steroids, so he put him on a steroid free pill called Atopica ( a-top-i-ka). Took about 3 weeks to enter his system and I have been using it for about 3 years now. My dog no longer itches and makes himself bleed. I resorted to this daily pill after numerous attempts with shots, special shampoos, etc. When you have this severe of a problem like I did, nothing mild works. Since then, I have recommended this product to many of my customers and their skin problems have disappeared. I have heard of my customers using what Dr. Bob was suggesting with great success. So try either one. Good luck!

I had a Rott who always had huge hot spots so we did the allergy test on him where they shaved his entire side and injected him with about 40 diff things and checked him 24 and 48 hours later. The vet had a solution made up of the top 10 or so worst allergic things and I gave him a shot every day for a month or so then every other day then twice a week and so on until he was getting his shot once every 4 to 6 weeks. This is the only method for very allergic dogs, the blood allergy test is not as good. My g/f's 2 ABs are very allergic as well and always red and itchy but they do not want to spend the $$ getting them tested. Changing foods doesn't help as they are allergic to grass, molds etc not food.

Take her to your Vet.

She can either have a shot for allergies or your vet can prescribe an anti inflammatory cream.

Please don't use human creams.

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